Schuler Shook Project Theatre Consultant, Harold “Chip” Ulich, ASTC, was accepted as a full member of the American Society of Theatre Consultants at the organization’s forum held September 20-22 in Miami Beach, FL. Chip was promoted from Associate to full member status after exhibiting to his peers a broad range of capability and experience in theatre consulting.
Chip has been a theatre consultant for 7 years and has numerous projects to his credit. His background includes experience in lighting systems design and sales, as well as serving as Technical Director and Director of Operations at Herberger Theater Center in Phoenix, AZ, and Special Projects Manager for Scottsdale Cultural Council in Scottsdale, AZ.
Chip is based in the Dallas office of Schuler Shook where his current theatre consulting work includes the River Spirit Casino Resort, Tulsa, OK; Oklahoma State University Performing Arts Center, Stillwater, OK; and University of Arkansas Faulkner Performing Arts Center, Fayetteville, AR.
The ASTC is chartered to improve the programming, planning and construction of performance venues, to further the interests of owners, users and audiences of theatre, and to promote high standards of practice among its members.