Using historic photos, the replica fixtures were meticulously detailed for restoration, from their materials and intricate ornamental details to their overall size and proportions. All decorative fixtures needed to be historically accurate, energy efficient, and provide adequate illumination levels to meet modern standards and reveal architectural details.
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago, IL
Since its completion in the 1930’s, the Chicago Board of Trade Building suffered many self-inflicted wounds that dulled the beauty of its Art Deco interiors. Working with Austin AECOM and architectural restoration experts Harboe Architects, Schuler Shook helped return the building to its Art Deco grandeur by restoring its decorative fixtures, including its signature luminous ceiling, and creating replicas of historic fixtures that were discarded during previous renovations.
Project Details
Austin AECOM / Harboe Architects
IES International Illumination Design Award of Excellence, 2007
IALD Special Citation for Use of Modern Technology, 2007
Chicago Landmarks Preservation Excellence Award, 2007