Her­man Miller Nation­al Showroom

Herman Miller Main V3X5 Edit1

To re-establish its reputation for cutting edge design and product precision in its new showroom, this furniture giant wanted to maximize visual impact and to create an eye-catching space in its National Showroom in Chicago's Merchandise Mart. Schuler Shook provided just the right blend of technology and creativity in our design for the space in 1998, and what started as a one-time design for Herman Miller resulted in an ongoing relationship with the well-known furniture manufacturer.

When the 1998 showroom won a NeoCon award, Schuler Shook's creative designers were called back to design subsequent iterations of the space in the years to follow, eventually leading to work for Herman Miller's Los Angeles showroom. The primary design challenge for lighting the showrooms was to create a fresh look each year consistent with Herman Miller's brand message, as well as to highlight the new products and design changes to the space. The time frame for the showroom designs was very short. Our collaborative approach to the work helped keep the team of architect, lighting designer, client and other specialty consultants running smoothly.


Chicago, IL


KAHickman Architects


  • AIA Chica­go Hon­or Award, 2000
  • IES Illu­mi­na­tion Design Award, 1999
Ld Herman Miller National Showroom 2001 2 Edit1
Ld Herman Miller National Showroom Room Wall 1 Edit1

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