McK­endree Uni­ver­si­ty, Het­ten­hausen Per­form­ing Arts Center

Tp  Mc Kendree University  Jnjr2919 Rsfave Crop 2

McKendree University added to its campus a new facility for the arts – the Hettenhausen Performing Arts Center.

Schuler Shook's theatre planners were involved early in the project to discuss with university leaders the precise needs that the new facility would fulfill. We worked closely with architects at Mackey Mitchell to design an appropriate new home for the arts while remaining sensitive to tight budgetary constraints.

The beautiful 500-seat theatre anchors a 34,000 sf building. The facility includes a large band room, large rehearsal spaces, ensemble practice rooms and simple backstage accommodations.


Lebanon, IL


Mackey Mitchell Architects

Tp  Mc Kendree University  Theater Ao'b 1