Showing 55 projects filtered by
Capitol Theatre
Melbourne, VIC
University of Melbourne, New Student Precinct
Melbourne, VIC
Macalester College, Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center Recital Hall
St. Paul, MN
University of Michigan — Dance Building
Ann Arbor, MI
University of Wisconsin — Madison
Madison, WI
Caruth Auditorium Lighting and Performance Upgrade – SMU Meadows School of the Arts
Dallas, TX
Missouri State University, Ellis Hall
Springfield, MO
DePaul University, The Theatre School
Chicago, IL
Manhattan School of Music, Neidorff-Karpati Hall
Manhattan, NY
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire, WI
Macalester College, Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center Theatre and Dance Building Expansion
St. Paul, MN
Carleton College, Weitz Center for Creativity
Northfield, MN
University of Cincinnati, Gardner Neuroscience Institute
Cincinnati, OH
Oklahoma State University, McKnight Center for the Performing Arts
Stillwater, OK
Emerson Colonial Theatre
Boston, MA
DePaul University Holtschneider Performance Center
Chicago, IL
Montgomery Bell Academy Wellness Center
Nashville, TN
Christ Presbyterian Academy Fine Arts Center
Nashville, TN
Krannert Art Museum — East Gallery
Champaign, IL
The University of Virginia, Arts Center
Wise, VA
The University of Chicago, Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts
Chicago, IL
Hope College
Holland, MI
The University of Chicago, Saieh Hall for Economics
Chicago, IL
University of Minnesota — Rarig Center
Minneapolis, MN
University of Wisconsin — Fox Valley, Communication Arts Center
Menasha, WI
Northwestern University, Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts
Evanston, IL
University of Wisconsin — Parkside, The Rita
Kenosha, WI
Loyola University, Institute of Environmental Sustainability
Chicago, IL
Eastern Illinois University, Doudna Fine Arts Center
Charleston, IL
Loyola University, Damen Student Center
Chicago, IL
The University of Chicago, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel
Chicago, IL
The Center for Victims of Torture
St. Paul, MN
University of Illinois at Chicago, Richard J. Daley Library
Chicago, IL
Earlham College Center for Visual and Performing Arts
Richmond, IN
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Texas Southmost College, The Arts Center
Texas A&M University - Commerce, Music Building
Texas Tech University - Maedgen Theatre Phase I Expansion
East Central University, Hallie Ford Fine Arts Center
University of Arkansas, Jim and Joyce Faulkner Performing Arts Center
University of Oklahoma, Gaylord Hall